School Is in Session

American Ancestors has dozens of previously recorded presentations available on-demand for FREE! All you need to do is create a free account (if you don’t already have one) and go to the video library. Each video is about one hour long.

The video library list covers a variety of topics including interviews with authors, resources at American Ancestors, the Jewish Heritage Center, how-to videos, preservation, and of course family history. Use the filter box titled Video Type in the top right area of the video library to select your desired area of interest, or just look at the entire list! Here is just a small sample of the Family History videos.

  • Setting Yourself Up for Success: Organizational Tools and Tips to Break Down Brick Walls
  • Paths to Freedom: Tracing Enslaved Ancestors to Emancipation
  • Louisiana Research: Go-To Published Resources
  • The Scots-Irish in America: Origins and Migrations
  • Taking Your DNA Results to the Next Level!

This is the link to the list filtered for Family History.

Submitted by: Robin McCarthy

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