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  • Society Publications

    The Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society regularly produces two publications.

    Tree Tips

    Our monthly membership newsletter has articles, columns, and helpful information about Society activities. It previews the topic and speaker for each month’s membership meeting and includes a calendar of events. Current and past issues are available to members and non-members

    Ancestors West

    Subscriptions to Ancestors West are a benefit of Society membership, however digital copies are available to anyone. Past issues are available in print to read or purchase at our Sahyun Genealogical Library.

    Current Issue

    Ancestors West Article Deadline:
    August 1, 2024 for Summer issue

    Guidelines for submissions are on the inside back cover of all Ancestors West editions.

    Your submission in a Microsoft Word document can be from 500 to 2,500 words.

    PDFs or files containing hyperlinks (e.g., Google Docs, websites, etc.) cannot be used.

    Photos should be JPGs at high resolution and submitted separately.
    After writing the story, wait a few days to see if you want to edit it before submitting it.  If your story involves other family members, get their input and then send the FINAL version!

    Send to: Charmien Carrier

    Each issue we give you a suggested theme, although all stories are welcome. Here are some ideas for the upcoming issues of Ancestors West.

    The theme for the Summer issue is

    Why did your ancestors migrate to the ‘new country?’ How did they get to their destinations? Did they travel on rivers by boat or barge, by covered wagon, on foot? What trails, canals, or rivers did they use? Do you have an ancestor that helped establish a new town or settlement? Send us your stories about what their journey was like.

    Of course, we welcome any other story you wish to submit. We eagerly await what you have to share.

    We welcome suggestions for future editions too. We’d love to have your input.

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