Member Orientation a Huge Success

On Saturday, February 3 the Society hosted a Member Orientation at the Sahyun Library, with nearly 30 new and returning members attending! The event provided members with an introduction the Society’s resources, including a tour of the Library, a presentation on subscription websites available to members, and valuable insights from key board members and volunteers.

The Orientation kicked off with a warm welcome from Society President Ted Tazer-Myers, followed by an overview of the Society’s history and membership benefits provided by Membership Director Kate Lima. Volunteer Coordinator Kathy Cremeen also shared volunteer opportunities available to members as well as information about volunteer mentors who are ready to assist members with their research.

Following the presentation, attendees joined Library Director Laurie Hannah for a tour of the Sahyun Library. The tour provided members with an introduction to the Library layout and organization, ensuring easy navigation in future research visits. Webmaster and IT Team member Rosa Avolio introduced the group to the Library’s computer lab and how to access the variety of subscription research and the library catalog websites available to members.


We were delighted to welcome a full house to the event, to provide members with the knowledge and ability to get the most out of the Society’s resources, and to foster a sense of community and camaraderie among genealogy enthusiasts.



Member Orientations are generally hosted twice a year, look for the next one to be announced in Tree Tips or on the Society’s calendar. Even longtime members can join in and discover something new!

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