4655 West Main Street
Guadalupe, California 93434
Phone: (805) 343-1415
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Although some of the burials show dates going back to early dates, many of the burial sites are unknown. In addition, in some cases, it’s almost impossible to determine if the names shown are the names of the deceased or the persons who bought the lots. Sometimes there’s a record, but no stone, while in other instances, there’s a stone, but no record. Then, there’s the additional problem of neither a record nor stone.
In going from headstone to headstone and recording the engraved names, I found that a few of the headstones were broken, and many of those that have survived time and weather damage are difficult to read. Some of the burials listed in the cemetery’s register are no longer in this cemetery but were moved to other cemeteries and were not noted as having been removed. Some of the headstones remained.
Used with permission by Shirley Contreras, Santa Maria Valley historian
Search Guadalupe Cemetery Records at Find-a-Grave