Full text Search at Family Search

At RootsTech 2024, FamilySearch introduced to the public an experimental program using artificial intelligence to scan and transcribe a selection of records in the FamilySearch library. That experiment is available on the familysearch.org website with a free subscription.  It is called Full-Text Search.

The many facets of artificial intelligence for use in genealogy are advancing at a very rapid rate. Changes come frequently and to some, this is intimidating and fearful. My experience has been that it is a game changer for our acquisition of records and sources to include in our family history.

One of the newest and most up-to-date videos that I have come across for the use of FamilySearch Full-text search is by Aimee Cross. Amy is a professional genealogist and her recent video on the use of Full-text search is detailed but educational enough for those who have not had any experience with the Full-text program. Several people have told me that they have used the search program and have come across information that was previously unknown to them. I have had that experience and would encourage anyone to at least watch the video and go to familysearch.org to try out this program. Records to search are being added and additional details are given with the use of AI from the transcriptions of records you have chosen to view. The records available now are US Land and Probate Records, Mexico Notary Records, Australia Land and Probate Records, New Zealand Land and Probate Records, and US Plantation Records.

Aimee’s video is available on YouTube

Enjoy the search and discoveries!

Submitted by Judy Thompson

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