– Beyond the Records, World Tree, & Wiki

There’s a world of information to discover at that’s not just about the world tree, the wiki, or searching records.

  • Take a virtual walking tour of the FamilySearch Library (FSL) and see the recent changes to each floor.
  • There are two library catalogs. The original library catalog has not been updated since September 2022  while material is being transitioned to the new catalog. The new catalog “includes access to many of the microfilms and microfiche physically located in either the FamilySearch Library or the FamilySearch Archives, along with links to their digital images, if accessible digitally.” Learn more about the new catalog and access it here.
  • The Learning Resources page is a one-stop location to find the Research Wiki, past and upcoming FSL webinars, past RootsTech videos, homeland research videos, and more.

You can watch an in-depth presentation about these areas, learn the history of the FamilySearch Library, and more in this Legacy Family Tree Webinar by Lynn Turner. Lynn shares a secret tip about staying at the Plaza Hotel at the end of the webinar. This webinar will be free indefinitely.

Submitted by Robin McCarthy

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