Ancestors West Summer Edition is Online

The Summer edition of Ancestors West is published and available to read and/or download on the Society Publications page. These great articles will motivate you to do further research, so you won’t want to miss them!

Table of Contents
  •   2  From the Editor   By Charmien Carrier
  •   3  Identity   By Michel Cooper Nellis
  •   4  The Great House Detective   By Betsy J. Green
  •   6  Some Highlights from Salt Lake City By Laurie Hannah, Ann Picker, Holly Snyder, Judy Thompson, Chris Klukkert, and Kate Lima
  •   9  A Ship and a Trip Called Success   By Kathryn Field
  • 10  Salt Lake City, Discovering Treasures   By Judy Thompson and Kate Lima
  • 12  This Old House: A Sesquicentennial Nears   By Melville R. V. Sahyun, Ph.D.
  • 16  Book Woman! Bring Me a Book!   By Kate Lima
  • 21  Unexpected Thrill   By Sharon Summer
  • 21  Surname Index
  • 22  Over a Century of Service: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Military By the AAPI Exhibit Committee, compiled by Mary Hancock
  • 25  When Our Santa Barbara Chinatown Vanishes, Forever   By Raymond Douglas Chong
  • 26  Histories of Santa Barbara Asian American Religious Institutions   By Briana Bruce
  • 29  The Scandalous Life and Tragic Death of Mary E. Robinson   By Christine Klukkert
Ancestors West Fall Issue

The theme for the next issue is Settlements and Immigration Trails.
    •  Do you have a relative who helped establish a new town or settlement?
    •  Do you know how your ancestors traveled?
The deadline for submitting articles for the Fall issue is August 1st.

Submitted by Robin McCarthy

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