Estate Planning & More

Planned Gifts: Secure the Society's Future

You help secure the future of the Society by remembering us in your will. Charitable bequests and planned gifts make a lasting impact. They leave a legacy to help secure the Society’s future, while offering tax savings to the donor. 

Suggested language is provided below, as a guideline. Please consult with your estate planner or attorney before making a bequest.

For more information about how to give a lasting gift to the Society, please contact Development.


Front door of Santa Barbara Genealogy Library

Suggested Wording for a Bequest in a Will

“I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society, a non-profit California charitable corporation, the sum of $________  (and/or the following described property or securities), the principal and income to be used in such manner as its Board of Directors deems best to carry out its work and effect its purposes.”

Other wording allows you to restrict your gift to a specific purpose, provide a named or memorial gift, or provide a bequest of the estate residue.

Other Ways to Give a Planned Gift

Securities – Registered securities, together with a gift letter, should be sent unassigned to our office.  Stock powers or bond powers, endorsed with a signature guaranteed by a bank or broker, should be forwarded under separate cover.  Of, if you choose… you may simply ask your broker to contact our office for easy transfer instructions.

Real Estate – Send a deed, naming “Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society” (our legal name) as the owner of the property, by registered mail to our office. 

Artifacts & Tangible Personal Property – Visit the “Donations of Genealogical Materials”  page for guidelines. Call or write our office to arrange for delivery or pick-up of genealogical books, artifacts, or items of tangible personal property.

Charitable Life Income TrustsContact our office for assistance in the establishment of a tax-saving charitable remainder trust that will pay you or a beneficiary income for life.

Insurance Policies, Collections, and Other Assets – Please name “Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society” as owner and/or beneficiary.

The Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable California corporation. Gifts of all kinds are gratefully accepted and are deductible for personal or corporate tax purposes to the fullest extent of the law.  Our federal tax identification number is  95-3080681.

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